The legal framework for national security in cyberspace: the outcomes of the People’s Republic of China

  • Goryan E.V.

    E. V. Gorian. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Vladivostok. Russia


The provisions of the National Security Strategy in cyberspace of the PRC as a key document defining the cyber security system are characterized. In order to obtain the most reliable scientific results, the system-structural, formal-logical and formal-legal methods were used. In its strategic documents China defines the main information threats in the internal and external spheres, as well as the priorities for the development of the cyber security system, paying attention to the balance of the interests of the state and individual rights, as well as special attention to the formation and development in a positive direction of the digital culture of citizens. A feature of the national
cybersecurity strategy of the PRC is the use of the term “cyberspace”; it also separately distinguishes
citizens as active subjects of the information space, determining their share of responsibility
for its security.
Keywords: cybersecurity, national mechanism, China.
